Friday, May 27, 2011

Tenanglah wahai Hatiiii

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

I felt so alone, confused, and restless.
 I didn’t know what to do.
 Really hard to understand n hard to explain what I'm feeling now.

It's so hard to explain
What I'm feeling
But I guess it's ok
Cause I'll keep believing..

Segala jenis perasaan yg x best tu diketahui oleh Allah. 
Mungkin lidah kelu tanpa bicara, 
Allah tetap tahu apa yg tersirat dlm hati kite.
 Sungguh, Dia Yang Maha Mengetahui apa yg ada di langit 
mahupun di bumi even ia cuma sekecik2
 zarah mahupun sehitam2 pekat mlm. 
Sesungguhnya, Allah swt mengetahui
 apa yg dirasai oleh setiap makhluk ciptaan-Nya. 

Berjalanlah dgn penuh harapan 
even hidup x selalunya bahagia.
Sedekah 1 senyuman even x lg mampu bertahan..
Hiduplah dlm iman even hari dipenuhi dugaan 
n berpeganglah kpd Allah even Dia x kelihatan.

 Ada sebab bila berlaku sesuatu perkara 
 Jgn terlalu byk berkhayal utk jd yg terbaik sbb hidup x semudah tu,
 Dan semoga lelah kite dihargai Ilahi even dicemuh manusia..

Ibn al-Jawzi ada mengatakan:

“Something was causing me a great deal of grief and distress, 
and I started to think long and hard 
about how to get out of this situation by any means,
 but I could not find any way out. 
Then I came across this verse:
‘…And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, 
He will make a way for him to get out [of every difficulty].’ 
(At-Talaq 65:2)

I realised that Taqwa (Piety, fearing Allah)
 is the way out of every kind of grief and distress. 
As soon as I followed the path of taqwa, I found the way out.”

Still, I’m dreadfully worrying, but I feel like I’ll get through.
 Whatever happens, Allah knows best.
I don’t need anything more.
Except maybe a warm hug.  Anyone up for it? :’)

*org ckp if rasa nak menangis, 
menangis je sbb itu fitrah sorang manusia.
 Cuma jgn sampai menyalahkan qada’ n qadar Allah swt. 
Have faith in HIM. 

Kalo kamu mengetahui hikmah Tuhan yg tersembunyi, 
pasti kamu akn memilih keadaan kamu yg skrg :’) 
[Ruq 2010]

*sungguh, kena belajar bersabar agar redha mengiringi.. ^_^


SHM said...

bersabarlah . sesungguhnya byk kelebihan org bersabar .

Yuna said...

sntiasa bpegang dgn janji Allah :)